Yes, many people are now talking about what the human body is and why everything has become so rotten now, when it used to be unimaginably beautiful - well, they talk about how it works, draw diagrams and beautiful pictures. But it didn't start yesterday, and the reasons for it were the same as today.
Look, these Japanese engravings from the end of the Edo period depict human bodies with organs and processes that are performed by small figures of caring, fussy little men. Well, Yes, and now, probably, in many countries it is necessary to draw something similar.
Here you see what business, when Japan's isolationism ended, all foreign crap piled on them from all sides. And, of course, especially in medicine. And not only with different methods of treatment. Rather, with new products, routines, and viruses. Is this a familiar situation? Well... Then these pictures were drawn. The great Kunisada drew them. True, when he drew them, he was still quite a young man, but so he decided to conduct his own educational cycle to save the nation.
And Yes, some pages show how brave Kabuki actors help the body, while others show Buddhist deities fighting diseases of foreign origin. Well, there's a lot of other things - somewhere and cute geisha aunts tell the rules of sexual life.
I like.