Chinese women believe that tan is harmful and can only be in the poor. And they don't care about fashion

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Well, about the history of the bikini all know. But it is only in Europe that it is believed that a tan is cool and beautiful. In China, after all, a completely different tradition. Chinese women and aunts in General in many Eastern countries consider white skin as a sign of beauty and the highest social class, because tanned skin is associated there only with the working class, rednecks and workers in the field. Actually, what you see below is a series of "Swimmer", which was shot by photographer Philip Engelhorn. He was born and since then forever sits in Hong Kong and absolves absolves absolves. And at one point he filmed a series on the beach with the typical swimwear of wealthy Chinese women who do not want to look like tanned workers of fields and gardens. And they visit the beach just like that - in an extremely closed swimsuit and a mask on the face. Well, Yes. And out of the house, if the sun only come out with an umbrella. But it doesn't look that discouraging.

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