Radioactive lozenges from all diseases

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And this again Radioactive Incidents and can be they you already and Argumenty, but, so perishing happened, that brave saviors humanity so much just have come up with for these years, that even if I will every day something to publish, then me still on year????.

Well, in the General case. This is a Bank where once stood radium lozenges and if this can be reversed, there will be a very long list of diseases that these lozenges are carefully treated. All familiar, in General. Impotence, arthritis, joint aches and headaches.

They were produced in the city of Heidelberg, which I personally know its University. I'm a bit of a dumbass, but I don't think there's anyone in Europe who's better at research in medicine, neuroscience, and physics. The place to release lozenges containing radium. 

What they had a radioactive background now will not be able to establish, but they were released for only two years, and then complaints began and they were banned.

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