And yet, why is the artist and art theorist Wolfgang Paalen called a philosopher?

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Yes, this is not a tour of the world gallery, I just saw this photo with a caption and I wanted to say a few words about Wolfgang Paalen. 

Actually, Yes, everyone calls him an Austrian-Mexican artist and philosopher, although I would say otherwise. He had Jewish-German roots and was completely cosmopolitan. As a philosopher, I have not heard anything about him (well, maybe I'm just such an illiterate sucker), but he said and did a lot as an art theorist. But! But at the same time, just like Freud - everything he did in his short life-everything was based on the emotions of his childhood, on the time he spent first in the old quarters of Vienna, then in Styria, where his father owned a sanatorium, and then in Silesia, where Wolfgang's father acquired the famous and beautiful castle of St. Rochusburg. Well, this is a castle where even a callous accountant will immediately start dreaming about fairies and elves. And the young artist was supposed to be fucked up quite seriously. Now I just think that his whole surrealism of the thirties – it's all here grew out of St. Rohrsburg. Although he in 1919 and moved to Rome to von Koenig, and then the two of them crawl to Berlin, to exhibit at the Berlin secession. Then Paris, Munich, and Saint-Tropez, then Paris again, meeting Hans Hoffmann and Fernand Leger, and then Andre Breton, and in 1938 that very big and very noisy surreal exhibition in Paris. Well, after it, of course, personalki in Paris, London and new York. So that's it. Actually, it's all up to Mexico. And he goes there because Frida Kahlo strongly invites him. And that's where he stands as a theorist. First, from 1941 to 1945 (really significant years for the whole world?) there he goes completely into the theory of the latest trends in art, writes two significant works in this sense, and, in parallel, publishes a magazine specializing in contemporary art DYN. Second, in 1940, together with Cesar Maro, he wrote a book and organized an International surrealist exhibition. Third, in 1951, together with Onslow-Ford, he created the group "Dynaton", but previously wrote a justification for it – for a second – in three volumes. Then, in 1952, he came to Paris for a year, and then returned to Mexico and 1959 there committed suicide. 

So what I want to ask – where is philosophy?...

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